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What’s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
In yoga and Ayurveda (sister science of yoga ~ Ayur (life) Veda (knowledge), there are cleansing techniques called shatkarmas (shat- six, karma- action).
One of these is tongue (jihva) scraping. It is advised to clean the mouth and tongue upon waking before drinking any liquids. .
This helps to clear toxins and bacteria accumulated overnight.
The simplest of the yoga and Ayurveda cleansing techniques and one I’ve been doing for many years.
To do this, start by rinsing your mouth with water, then holding the two ends, placing the bend of the tongue scraper towards the back of your tongue, gently press down scraping towards the tip of your tongue.
Do this a couple of times, rinsing the scraper in between.
I’d advise a metal tongue cleaner as they will last you forever! .
Make it a ritual, part of your morning routine, and you’ll feel the benefits! .
How do you start your day? Do you use a tongue cleaner? Would you like to include more yoga or Ayurvedic practises in your day? .
#ayurveda #wellnessblogger #yoga#selfcare #selflove #morningpractice#morningroutine #ayurbedic #routine#healthandwellness #wellbeing#healthyhappy #yogacleanse #cleanse#shatkarma #kriya #homeremedies#traditionalyoga #hathayogapradipika#tonguescraper #tonguecleaner#hathayoga #progressnotperfection#dailytips #alchemy #apothecary#livehealthy #vegan #health

Join me for a unique yoga experience at the museum of brands in London. Surrounded by temporary exhibitions and iconic displays, I will lead an all levels practice. If you haven’t experienced my teaching before, my main form of teaching is Hatha yoga, focusing on correctly aligning the body to improve general posture, breathing and circulation.

The perfect way to start the new year!

Following the class, socialize in the museum café, relax in the exotic award-winning garden or visit the Time Tunnel, where you’ll find over 20,000 iconic items from the past 150 years exploring how brands shape our world.

Please bring along your own yoga mat and a blanket or shawl.

Tickets can be purchased by clicking here.

Classes take place every Tuesday at 7:45am (from January 22nd). Tickets are released one month in advance.

If you would like any further information or I can be of any assistance, please do reach out to me.

Scrub Away Salt Scrub

4th January 2016

I recently landed back from India.

I always struggle with long haul flights and the after effects. One thing I make sure I do now is to try and nourish my body, mind and soul after flying. One of the ways I do this when I reach home, is to make this salt scrub. If like me you struggle with long haul flights and the after effects of travelling, whip up a batch of this scrub!

In a small bowl or glass jar add 3 heaped tablespoons of rock salt and top with 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Add 5 drops of essential oil ( I love lavender and ylang ylang especially after a flight!) and mix well.

In the shower or bath, take a small amount in the palms of your hands and rub together. Take a moment to breathe in the smell and gently scrub the body. Pay extra attention to hands and feet.

Shower off the excess salt but do not use soap (apart from where needed). Imagine the water washing away any tension. Gently pat the skin dry with a towel. Wrap up in warm Pjs and enjoy a soothing cup of chamomile tea before sleep.
Unlike table salt, rock salt has many minerals and is great for removing toxins from the body.