Festive greetings
25th December 2018For any of you in the middle of a stressful and emotionally-draining holiday season, I hear you, it’s a tough one sometimes!
The JOY you felt as a kid is very different as an “adult” with responsibilities. It becomes about finding the right gifts, hours cooking in the kitchen and for some us family disagreements or the memories and grief of lost ones.
Acknowledge that you are not alone this time of year, (please do reach out if you need a chat or a virtual hug!!)
Take some “DOWNTIME”
Find time (even if its 30 seconds in the loo) to allow yourself to feel all the energy around you (good and bad) and EMBRACE it.
Those tiny things you do to help you have a great day; lighting a candle or incense and setting an intention, deep breathing practise, taking time to make your morning cup of tea, meditation or gentle movements of your body. Whatever you usually do, try to still incorporate these rituals during the festive season (it’s when you’ll need them most).
Continue with any practice you have no matter how big or small. Simply sitting and taking 3 deep breaths before you start roasting the potatoes will help keep you in check for the day.
Practise gratitude for the things that happen today, the tiny gifts you receive, being present with family or friends or your cat. The wonderful gift of having a FULL stomach! The ability to move, think, feel, breathe, touch, see, hear, taste etc.
RECHARGING EXERCISE: Keeping your inner light lit
Once the bellies are full, and the dishes washed and everyone is drifting off slowly on the sofa. Take the time to recharge yourself. Take a few breaths and sit up nice and tall. Imagine a warm glowing light at the centre of your heart. With each inhale the light spreads, gradually filling your entire body. Then imagine the light going beyond yourself and spreading to those you hold dear. Gently bring your attention back to yourself, in this room on this day. Take 3 deep breaths, gently open your eyes and smile.
Other tips and tricks for the busy festive season:
-Drink warm to hot fluids and sip throughout the day. (ginger keeps the digestive fire going and camomile soothes the mind and body.
-An eye pillow is one of the best investments you’ll ever make! (filled with flaxseed and sometimes lavender, the weight surrounds your eyes, temples and forehead like a gentle cuddle). If you don’t have one, a woolly thick sock does the trick!
-Three deep breaths can be done anytime and anywhere.
Wherever you are and however you do or don’t celebrate this festive season, I wish you all the peace and happiness you deserve.