c February 2018 - Yoga With Elizabeth

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What is “Hatha yoga”?

20th February 2018

| H a t h a Y o g a |

Hatha refers to the balance of sun and moon, activity & rest, masculine & feminine, yin yang.

This balancing act neutralises the extremes of rajas guna (movement) and tamas guna (lack of movement) allowing us to enter into the state of sattva guna (balance/mode of goodness) “this state of balance serves as a doorway to our true being, which is beyond the gunas.” ~ integrative yoga therapy.

It is said in the hatha yoga pradipika in the commentary by swami Muktibodhananda (2012) “hatha yoga is to be practised for the sole purpose of preparing oneself for the highest state of raja yoga, i.e. samadhi”.

The word samadhi can be roughly translated to enlightenment, or one who has transcended the gunas/ modes of nature.

So next time you are in your silky yoga pants, remember that yoga is SO much more than just a physical exercise.

If you have any questions please do ask me at a class or comment below 🙂 (this is just a snippet of info into hatha yoga and the gunas.)

Come and increase your sattva guna at yoga classes in Warwickshire:

Weekly yoga classes in Warwick:

Wednesday hatha flow- 1:30-2:30pm

Friday Lunchtime yoga 12:30-13:30pm

The Studio, 21 Old square Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4RU

Cacao date snack bites

6th February 2018

I made these little snacks for a retreat recently and they were a big hit! Only a few ingredients, really easy to make, no added or refined sugars and totally delicious!  

Want to know how to make these delicious treats?

Take around 10 soft dates. Rinse them and then place in a bowl.

Take out the stones and break the dates in half. Cover with hot water (enough to just cover them).

Measure 1 cup of oats and place in a DRY blender or grinder with 1 heaped tablespoon of cacao powder. (The blender must be completely dry!)

After blending the oats and cacao it should look like flour / powder:

Place this in a bowl. Now put the dates with the water they are soaked in, into the blender. Pulse until a thick chunky caramel consistency.

Add this date sauce to the oat flour…

And mix. Use your hands to form a dough with the mixture like this…

Break into small pieces, roll into balls and cover with coconut or cacao.

Say a little prayer of gratitude before serving to loved ones. Enjoy!

Healing cacao elixir

5th February 2018


| F l o w e r s & C a c a o |

After running a retreat this weekend with my dear friend Janey, I am spending time recharging. Fresh colourful flowers always give me a boost of energy and I made this delicious elixir to boost emotional well-being.

This drink is a great all rounder for women’s health, all the herbs are also suitable for men.

All the ingredients are optional and can be left out if you can’t find them 🙂

. ?.


1 heaped tsp cacao

1/2 tsp shatavari

1/4 tsp ashwaghanda

A pinch of vanilla

1/4 tsp maca

1 mug-ful oat milk

1tsp almond butter

A tiny pinch of cinnamon and cardamom.



Gently heat 1 mug of your choice of milk and then place in a blender with all the above ingredients and whizz up to a frothy consistency. Sweeten as needed.
Say a little prayer of gratitude / thanks before serving.

How do you recharge after an event or long week? Let me know if you make this super delicious drink!